Our Governance


Housing Queensland has a skills-based Board consisting of several experienced company directors who are housing and social services content experts. Housing Queensland is managed by the Chief Executive Officer (Neil Willmett). The Board delegates particular responsibilities to the Chief Executive Officer concerning management of the company. The Board is also supported by an experienced Company Secretary and legal professional (Sophie Pettigrew).

The Board has a Finance, Audit and Risk (FAR) Committee; a Nominations and Remuneration Committee and a Permissions Committee. The primary objective of the FAR Committee is to report to the Board on matters relevant to the fulfilment of the companies statutory financial reporting and other obligations. This Committee assists the Chief Executive Officer and the Board in fulfilling their obligations relating to financial reporting, risk management and fraud control, and regulatory compliance. The Nominations and Remuneration Committee makes recommendations to the Board on the governance matters, and the remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer. It is also kept informed of the general remuneration arrangements for staff.

Our staff are required to disclose, and to have approval, to undertake any paid or unpaid external work activities. This information is published on this website and in our annual report to maintain transparency with our stakeholders and the broader community. Permission is granted on a case-by-case basis. As always, common sense, sound judgment, mutual trust and integrity are applied in these matters.

Following appointment to the Housing Queensland Board, each director is required to sign a declaration to maintain secrecy in relation to the affairs of the Board. Further, by law, directors must comply with the general duties of directors, as set out in the Corporations Act 2001. Over and above these requirements, directors have also adopted the Housing Queensland Code of Conduct Policy in recognition of their responsibility for maintaining a reputation for integrity and accountability.

Our Board

The role, responsibilities and composition of the Housing Queensland are laid down in our constitution and our Housing Queensland Governance Framework. Over and above the legislated requirements and in recognition of their responsibility for maintaining a reputation for integrity and accountability, the Board have adopted the Housing Queensland Code of Conduct Policy.

The ‘mandate’ or ‘charter’ of the Board is contained in the Housing Queensland Governance Framework: The Board is responsible for:

  • Recruiting, managing, developing and terminating the Chief Executive Officer
  • Governing the organisation
  • Ensuring the organisation meets its compliance obligations
  • Setting our strategic direction
  • Helping the organisation achieve its purpose; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation.

It is the duty of the Board, within the limits of its powers, to ensure that the organisation is governed to create the greatest advantage to its members.

The main focus of discussions at Board’s meetings is on operational and housing matters. This discussion occurs against the background of papers prepared by Housing Queensland staff about housing related developments. These papers are supplemented by staff presentations at each Board meeting.

The relationship between the Board and Government is formal. Government is to be informed from time to time, of the Housing Queensland work including its advocacy agenda. In practice, this occurs through regular contact between the Chief Executive Officer and other senior executives and the Australian and Queensland Governments, usually by way of regular discussions.

Meetings of the Board

The Board currently meets five times a year (4 Board meetings plus 1 Annual General Meeting), usually in February, May, August and November. Board meetings are usually held at the Housing Queensland Head Office in Brisbane. One Board meeting is usually held in regional Queensland each year as a commitment to ‘Governing from the Regions’.

Four members form a quorum for a Board meeting, which must be chaired by the Chairperson or, in their absence, the Deputy Chairperson. Consistent with the constitution and Housing Queensland Governance Framework, the Board makes decisions by a majority of the members present. Communique of each Board meeting is published two weeks after each meeting.

Meetings are usually held in the Boardroom of Housing Queensland’s Head Office in Brisbane or a similar facility when meetings are held in regional locations.

Members of the Board

The Housing Queensland Board comprises seven members (below). Directors are ‘skills-based’ Directors and not selected from a geographical region. Directors are appointed for a three-year term, and are eligible for reappointment. A Director is limited to serving three consecutive terms.

Mary Doctor

(Appointed November 2021)

Angelina Akee

Deputy Chairperson
(Re-appointed December 2023)

Gary White

(Appointed November 2021)

Michelle Hooke

(Appointed November 2021)

Charles Martin

(Appointed November 2021)

Donna O'Chin

(Appointed December 2023)

Will Davis OAM

(Appointed December 2023)

External Leadership

Andrew Niven

Independent Chair
(Appointed June 2022)
Housing Queensland Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

Kieran Chilcott

Independent Chair
(Appointed November 2021)
Housing Queensland Nominations & Remuneration Committee

Sophie Pettigrew

Company Secretary
(Appointed October 2021)

Organisational Structure

Governance Structure

The governance activities of the Housing Queensland are overseen by the following boards and committees.

Housing Queensland Board
The Housing Queensland Board is responsible for the organisations housing policy, and the Housing Queensland's policy on all other matters. Mary Doctor is Chair of the Housing Queensland Board. The Deputy Chair is Angelina Akee.

Finance Audit and Risk Committee
The Finance, Audit and Risk Committee is a committee of the Housing Queensland Board. Its membership comprises two Housing Queensland Board directors and an external member. The Committee is chaired by external member Andrew Niven.

Remuneration and Nominations Committee
The Remuneration and Nominations Committee is a committee of the Housing Queensland Board. Its membership comprises two Housing Queensland Board directors and an external member. The Committee is chaired by external member Kieran Chilcott.

Permissions Committee
The Permissions Committee is a committee of the Housing Queensland Board. Its membership comprises two Housing Queensland Board directors. The Committee is chaired by Mary Doctor.

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is the key decision-making committee of the Housing Queensland for matters of a management and/or administrative nature that have strategic, organisation-wide or external significance. Its role is to assist and support the Chief Executive Officer in fulfilling his responsibilities. It is a management committee that is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer – Neil Willmett.

Risk Management Committee
The Risk Management Committee is responsible for ensuring that operational and financial risks are properly identified, assessed and managed across the Housing Queensland in accordance with Housing Queensland's Risk Management Policy. It is a management committee that is chaired by the General Manager, Corporate Services Division – Anthony Morgan.

Operational Structure

Housing Queensland is managed by the Chief Executive, Neil Willmett. It has four operational divisions Strategy, Policy & Research Division; Sector Development Division; Business Development Division; and Corporate Services Division.

Strategy, Policy & Research Division
The Housing Queensland Strategy, Policy & Research Division is responsible for implementing the Housing Queensland Strategic Plan 2022 – 2025 which guides the forward work of the organisation. This division is also responsible for developing high-quality housing strategies and housing policy that influences change.

Sector Development Division
The Housing Queensland Sector Development Division is responsible for assisting individual Housing Queensland members to help them overcome organisational challenges so that the Sector is strong and sustainable. This includes providing specialist professional advice and support.

Business Development Division
The Housing Queensland Business Development Division is responsible for managing various short term funded projects. It is also responsible for brand management, marketing, communications, the development of key documents and increasing the awareness of Housing Queensland.

Corporate Services Division
The Housing Queensland Corporate Services Division is responsible for providing administrative and operational support to all divisions. This includes governance, financial, human resources, asset management, facility management and information technology (IT) systems and process management support.