Our members are made up of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community housing providers from across Queensland, but we advocate for the housing interests of all First Nations people in Queensland.
We support First Nations people’s right to housing, their right to speak for and manage their own housing, and to participate decision-making that relates to their housing.
We want to eliminate the disparities in housing experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland.
Together with our members, governments, other peak bodies and partners, we work to improve housing outcomes through advocacy, advice, support, partnerships and research.We provide resources and support; we work with government to improve laws and policies; and we work with partners and the housing industry to advance the rights and interests of First Nations people in Queensland. Our work includes:
Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community housing providers
Influencing legislation and policy
Working with partners
Additionally, we will continue to monitor Australian and international housing policy for solutions to address Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing inequalities and challenges in Queensland.
Our constitution was developed in 2021 to govern us and guide our purpose. Our constitution describes our role. In broad terms it is to:
We achieve our purpose through advocacy, advice, support, partnerships and research.
They include:
Head Office
Phone: 07 3012 6349
Ground Floor
63 George Street
Postal Address
The Chief Executive Officer
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Queensland
GPO Box 773,
Brisbane QLD 4001