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Looking for Accommodation?

Are you looking for accommodation? Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Queensland (Housing Queensland) is not a housing provider and does not own a housing portfolio. The following links have been provided to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are looking for accommodation in Queensland.

Aboriginal Hostels Limited
Aboriginal Hostels Limited offer temporary, culturally appropriate accommodation across Queensland for Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. For more information on their services, please click on: Aboriginal Hostels Limited.

Queensland Public Housing
If you are seeking information about applying for Queensland Government housing providers, please click on the link for contact information on your nearest Housing Service Centre.

Emergency Accommodation
If you are seeking emergency accommodation, please call the Homeless Hotline on 1800 47 47 53 or visit their website here.

Domestic Violence
If you are experiencing domestic violence, please call the DVConnect Domestic Violence Hotline on 1800 811 811 or visit their website here.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Queensland

Ground Floor, 41 George Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

+61 7 3012 6349