Our Accountability


As membership organisation, Housing Queensland is accountable to its members for its actions. There are also requirements in our Housing Queensland Engagement Strategy for the organisation to consult with its members.

Housing Queensland seeks to enhance members understanding of its responsibilities and policies through a broad communications program. Our primary communication vehicles are:

  • Media releases
  • Briefing notes
  • Board Communique published following each quarterly Board meetings
  • Quarterly Statement on Housing Policy
  • The half-yearly Financial Stability Review
  • The quarterly Bulletin, and
  • The appearance of the Chief Executive Officer and senior officers before member forums
  • Our Annual Report.

Our speeches and presentations are other avenues through which Housing Queensland explains its views to members and stakeholders.

Funding Partners

Since 2020, Housing Queensland has been financially supported by the Queensland Government. The Chief Executive Officer and senior officers meet regularly with the Department of Housing to report on funding, recommendations to improve housing outcomes and other matters falling within the responsibility of the Queensland Government.

Annual Report

The Board requires the Chief Executive Officer to prepare an annual report, for presentation to members and tabling at the Annual General Meeting (usually in November). This annual report is also sent to other stakeholders to provide information about Housing Queensland’s financial and non-financial performance.