Gary White

Non Executive Director
(from November 2021)

Nominations and Remuneration Committee

Gary is an experienced executive and non-executive director with expertise in governance, strategy development, risk, housing regulation and reform, board management and evaluation.

Gary is and experienced Chair and has been the Chairperson of Goondir Health Services (Dalby) since 1994. Gary is also a former Director of the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC). QAIHC is the State peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health in Queensland. This previous experience governing an influential peak body, as well as his detailed knowledge of the direct relationship between poor housing and the causes of poor health is an asset to our Board and the organisation.

With strong involvement in the Dalby and District community since the 1980’s, Gary is also an active member of Murrumba Aboriginal Housing Co Ltd. Significantly, Gary was also an elected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) Regional Councillor for the Roma Region in the Queensland South Zone for 12 years.

Gary has studied at Macquarie University and in addition to his non-executive Director experience, and his service on numerous community, state and national committees, Gary is the former Chief Executive Officer of the Goolburri Regional Housing Company (Dalby) from 2001 to 2023 (22 years).

Gary has connections to the Kullilli and Ghungalu people of Western and Central Queensland.