Your organisation is not alone. We will listen and we will help when you need it.

We are focused on matters that have an impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing, accommodation and homelessness in Queensland.

Our Services

To have an impact, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Queensland (Housing Queensland) services are divided into four important categories - advocacy; strategy, policy and research; professional advice; and sector development.

Housing Queensland ensure that the voices of our members are heard and that their housing expertise is incorporated into decisions that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland.

Our housing knowledge provides valuable insights on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing. We think differently to most other peak bodies, and are recognised as the ‘go-to’ peak body for insights and advice on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing in Queensland.

In addition to advocacy and insights, we regularly publish articles on a range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing topics.

Strategy, Policy & Research
Housing Queensland produces high-quality public policy recommendations and advice to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing outcomes in Queensland. Since we were established in 2021, our independent research and advice has helped shape the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing policy conversation, from recommendations to strengthen community housing organisations to homelessness responses we are working to remove housing barriers to create better outcomes.

We are rigorous in obtaining the best evidence from our own data analysis and from published work. Using state, national and international evidence, we are practical in identifying what governments should do to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing in Queensland.

Professional Advice
Housing Queensland strives to provide professional advice that adds value to our members and partners. Our aim is to help you achieve your objectives.

Our people have a wealth of experience and are trusted advisors to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community housing providers, peak bodies and government.

We will work closely with you to identify what you need and what is relevant to your overall success. We are available to assist you by listening to your needs and by helping you overcome challenges so that you achieve better outcomes and your that so that your organisation has the information it needs to make informed decision, is strong and is sustainable in to the future.

Sector Development
Sector Development is very important to Housing Queensland. We continue to work closely with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Sector to identify what it needs and what is relevant to its overall success. We continue to engage frequently with the Sector and assist individual members by listening to their needs and by helping them overcome organisational challenges so that the Sector is strong and sustainable.

Our commitment to sector development has been demonstrated through our publications and member engagement activities including site visits, CEO communication and member events; through the sharing of news; and through the ongoing development of Sector resources.

Any questions, please connect with us.