Sophie Pettigrew.

Sophie Pettigrew

Company Secretary
(from October 2021)

Sophie was appointed at the ATSIHQ Company Secretary in October 2021 and plays an important role in supporting the effectiveness of the Board. She is an experienced company secretary, governance expert and senior lawyer.

Her role includes management, compliance and performance activities such as advising the Board on:

  • good corporate governance;
  • managing Board processes;
  • ensuring members’ and directors’ meetings are properly called and held; ensuring the necessary registers are established and properly maintained;
  • ensuring that the company's financial records are maintained and reports prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Act;
  • ensuring records of members’ and directors’ meetings are kept in compliance with the Act and the organisation’s constitution;
  • and providing or procuring advice for directors regarding application of the Act, company constitution requirements and other legal and regulatory requirements

Sophie is a graduate from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and holds a Bachelor of Law and is an academic in QUT Law School. She is a former long-term legal counsel and governance advisor for the multi-billion-dollar Brisbane Metro North Hospital and Health Service (HHS) and was previously a senior lawyer in Queensland Health, the Department of Education and Queensland Treasury.

Sophie is also the current Company Secretary and General Legal Counsel for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service Brisbane and is the Independent Non-Executive Director for Apunipima Cape York Health Council located in Far North Queensland.

Any questions, please connect with us.