Closing the Gap

The National Agreement on Closing the Gap Implementation Plans have been developed and delivered by each party to the National Agreement, in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners.

The National Agreement contains 19 national socio-economic targets across areas that have an impact on life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Targets 9a and 9b are housing related and they are not on track to be achieved.

To improve target achievement, a National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Policy Partnership (National HPP) has been established under the National Agreement.

A Queensland HPP will be established shortly and it will be co-chaired by Housing Queensland and the Queensland Government Department of Housing.

The Queensland HPP will provide a forum for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to have say in the design and delivery of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing services in Queensland. The Queensland HPP will be focus on delivering ambitious, holistic and long-lasting structural actions to improve housing outcomes across the Queensland housing system, building on the strengths and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and addressing the ongoing and unaddressed impact of colonisation and dispossession.